The Astrology of Extraction to Infection . Part 4

Welcome back! If you haven't read part 1, part 2 and part 3, I encourage you to start there to understand how a routine wisdom teeth extraction turned into a severe infection and hospitalisation. In those parts, I mentioned the initial surgery, the worsening pain, and the first emergency procedure that didn't fully resolve the issue. Despite undergoing surgery to drain the infection, complications persisted, leading to my transfer to a larger academic hospital.

Now, as we move forward, I’ll go into the astrological influences of that moment. This is a great, and real life, example of how astrology mirrors personal events through planetary placements. In part 4, I’ll explore the transits and types of charts that stood out the most during this period. While it might get a bit technical, my aim is to show you how astrology provides deeper insights into the events that shaped me into the woman I am today, as well as a real life example on what astrology is able to do for you.

Disclaimer: Please note that if you notice a similar transit in your chart, it does not mean you will experience the same situation I did. Every chart is unique, and so is each individual’s experience. Your journey will differ from mine based on your own chart’s specifics.

Take this time to learn about the planets and their possible expressions, see how multi-layered an astrological consultation can be, and allow me to show you the astrological blueprint behind one of the key experiences that shaped me into the woman I am today.

So, without further ado, let's dive into the astrological details of "Extraction to Infection."

The Role of Outer Planets

Astrology often highlights the importance of outer planets—Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus—because of their slow movement through the cosmos. These celestial giants have a profound impact on our lives, often signifying deep, transformative experiences.

The slow orbit of these planets gives them plenty of time to work their magic on your natal chart. Their transits can bring about intense changes, spiritual awakenings, and unexpected upheavals. So, let's dive into how Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus played pivotal roles in the summer that changed my life.

Pluto’s Transformative Influence

Pluto is the planet of transformation and regeneration. It is the planet that penetrates and dissects everything it touches, in a way that makes it impossible for you to deny any hard and harsh truths. When someone shows you the nitty-gritty in a way that you're unable to do anything other than let it crumble, making way for something brand new? You best believe Pluto is stirring the pot. It doesn't give a shit about secrets or taboos. If something needs to be transformed in a way that there is nothing to look back on so you can rise up afterward? Pluto is the one.

At that time, Pluto was in Capricorn at 11 degrees, placed in my 7th house of one-on-one relationships, conjunct my natal Venus. I have to say, the planet of love, value, relationships, and beauty had already been going through some major changes. With Pluto’s slow orbit, up until that point, it had the freedom to dig deep into those degrees in Capricorn and everything it touched in my chart. But outside of that conjunction, Venus had a pretty important position. And here’s why...

Annual Profections

A technique where every year of your life is linked to a specific house in your natal chart that is highlighted for that year. Being 22 at the time, it made it an 11th house year, where hopes, dreams, network, and friends came to the forefront. With Taurus in the 11th house, its ruler becomes my “Profected Time Lord of the Year,” aka Venus. Its natal position and aspects to that planet are more significant, and with my natal Venus in conjunction with transiting Pluto, the 2014 conjunction was more potent than the conjunction in, let’s say, 2013 when Mars was my Time Lord, or 2015 when Mercury was my Time Lord.

Oh, and by the way, did you know that Taurus rules the neck, while Capricorn, the sign where Venus is placed, rules teeth? Interesting, huh?

Solar Return Chart

Now, the Solar Return chart for the year 2014. A Solar Return chart is created when the Sun returns to its exact natal position, happening around your birthday each year—typically about 2 days before to 2 days after. This chart provides insights into the themes and energies for the upcoming year. In 2014, my Solar Return chart had a Libra Ascendant, which, being another Venus-ruled sign, added extra weight to the influence of Venus and its aspects.

In this particular Solar Return chart, Venus was positioned at 13 degrees of Capricorn, closely conjunct Pluto at 12 degrees. So, yes, another fun Venus-Pluto situation. This conjunction highlighted themes of intense transformation and regeneration in my relationships and values. It wasn’t just about that wisdom tooth ordeal; it was a period marked by profound changes in how I viewed myself and my connections with others. Hello, Venus.

The prominence of Venus and Pluto in both my Solar Return and natal charts made 2014 a year of significant transformation. This wasn’t just a physical challenge—it was an emotional and psychological rollercoaster, too. The intense Venus-Pluto energy reshaped my relationships and my understanding of self-worth, making it a truly life-changing year. And let’s be real—valuing yourself is the number one priority. Pluto may still be coming back into my Capricorn 7th house on September first this year, but at least it’s nowhere near Venus anymore!

Significant Plutonian Aspects

Some other significant Plutonian aspects during this period were:

  • Pluto conjunct North Node in Capricorn: The North Node is connected to your purpose and focus in life. It indicates where you’re heading in relation to your soul's purpose. With Pluto in conjunction with the North Node, which is linked to karma, it triggered a deep regeneration of my goals and purpose in life.

  • Pluto in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Virgo: Jupiter is the ruler of the 6th house of illness and the ruler of my MC (Midheaven) in the 9th. The MC is the most public part of the chart, the most visible. When Pluto influences these points, significant changes are made. Although the trine is considered a supportive aspect, Pluto burned everything to the ground, clearing previously blocked paths. Especially with the MC in Pisces, concerning my career in professional dancing. That kicked off after a couple of months due to weightloss. (A lot to unpack there. But that’s something for another time)

Funny enough, my natal Jupiter is in Virgo, ruling food sensitivities and the digestive system. Hello, lactose intolerance. And oh yeah, the Sun inconjunct Pluto on the day I was released from ICU. Anyone shocked that it was the exact day it felt like I had been stripped away of my own powers? I’m not.

And as if Pluto wasn’t enough, let’s move on to...


Neptune’s Mystical Influence

That is the planet to keep an eye on if whatever you envisioned as real is distorting right before your eyes. Not in a way that you'd immediately know it isn't as it should be, but more in a way that makes you start to question if it is reality or a dream. It is deceiving, which can be wonderful at times. I mean, who doesn't love a little facade from time to time? (That might be a very Pisces Moon thing of me to say) Those rose-colored glasses—a doozy. A highly sedative drug that makes you see pleasure and comfort in situations where there might be some harsh truths. And if you're up in the clouds so high, how far are you going to fall to the ground when reality hits again?

Neptune was at 7 degrees of Pisces in my 9th house, 2 degrees removed from my natal Moon, also known as the ruler of my natal chart. Aspects or transits to the ruler of your chart are pretty noticeable and significant because the ruler of your chart represents you. You were able to read in part 1, part 2 and part 3, how confusing and unreal life was in July and August 2014. I was totally disconnected from “reality” and was wandering around in my own sense of it. Anything and everything that I thought was real changed right before my eyes. Different dimensions (I'd say), other realities, being sedated to not be fully aware of what was happening—yeah, I call Neptune.

Planets don’t limit themselves to only one signification, so when a generational planet like Neptune touches a personal planet in your chart, you can bet it’ll show all of its capabilities. Music, spirituality, and drugs are some of those. Being heavily sedated in the ICU was necessary and did wonders for me when I needed it, but I quickly noticed the downside of getting back into reality and wanting to return to the “dreamworld.” I mean, I asked multiple times: “Put me in a coma already.” Basically me wanting to run away from the truth.

Neptune and Music

Music has been a great part of that phase—not only that summer, though. I had just graduated from college, where I was trained to be a professional all-around dancer. So best believe that those four years prior were very much influenced by that Neptunian music situation as well.

Anyway, back to the summer of ’14... There were moments when it felt like all I had was music, which helped me take my mind off the whole situation in a way that wasn’t possible with the people around me. With family and friends, you could always sense and feel their feelings. That hypersensitive Neptune was also doing its work, by the way. But with music, I was able to wander off into daydream land and disconnect from reality.

Showering, for instance—I wasn't able to shower on my own or in the way that I was used to. I dont know if are you aware of how heavy your head is without proper muscle strength in your neck? Simple things like taking a shower aren’t that simple anymore. And then here was Becky G with “Shower” trending on the music charts. Imagine yourself listening to that song while being unable to dance and sing in the shower—something I am frequently guilty of. Through that song, I was able to daydream about how showering would be back to “normal”. I know it sounds fucking sad, but I have nothing but great memories of that song. Okay, bittersweet for sure, because when I listen to it now, I remember how it felt to experience that bliss with my eyes closed while being unable to do so in real life. But that Neptunian escape was medicine at that moment, for sure.

Another song, "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay, was played nearly every hour that summer on the radio. Those lyrics: "You get lighter the more it gets dark." In full honesty, when I got back on the regular care floor after the ICU, it felt like there wasn’t much left of me. Lying in bed, not able to talk, eat, or walk properly, pain everywhere. Everything I thought I was before wasn’t there anymore, and we were back to basics—nearly baby basics. In a time when I literally felt like nothing, “A Sky Full of Stars” made me feel like I was everything and more. You could say it was sort of a meditation/manifestation moment where I envisioned myself being all of that, even though, in real life, it was far from the truth. So yeah, needless to say that that song in particular, is one of the highlights of my hospital situation.

I have a Pisces Moon and MC—I used to be a professional dancer, and music has always been a big part of my life. But the following songs now hit very differently. "Home" by Naughty Boy & Romans, "Prayer in C" by Lilly Wood and Robin Schulz, The Weeknd's whole album House of Balloons, "Don’t Wait" by Mapei, "Shooting Stars" by Big Gigantic, Kylie Minogue with "If Only"

(yep, this was my poppy-imagine-you’re-on-stage-in-a-big-show-phase, a phase I never left to be honest).

Would be a shitty thing if someone would actually do it, but I trust you with the following - If you want to hit me right in the feels and shut me up... play one of those songs.

Neptune and Spirituality

Let’s not forget the spiritual, otherworldly stuff. I briefly mentioned the things that I've seen while I was in the ICU in part 3—for instance, the two people who came to my bed to tell me that it wasn't my time to “go” yet. I knew who they were, not because they appeared to me as if they were alive, but from an inner knowing that they were two relatives who had recently and unfortunately lost their lives way too soon by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Did I have the guts to say it out loud? Of course not! How could I even start to explain what I had seen? I don’t speak to dead people. I’m no medium. A couple of years later I spoke to their best friends and mentioned what happened. "This is exactly how they would've said such a thing." Confirming that what I saw was closer to the truth than I thought.

Losing touch with this reality gave me the possibility to touch on another that is less tangible when you're fully present in this meat sack called the body.

Needless to say, that experience opened up a lot of doors for me. Realising that the “You” in the meat sack is nothing, yet everything? Ugh, that’s a lot to handle and makes you question life and existence in its entirety. The same goes for flying through the mountains with a guide explaining me that that place is the place in between. The place you’re at when you’ve not left or entered the physical, but also not out or in the two worlds. A place for people and souls like me at that time. In a sort of limbo. Call it whatever you want—delirium, delusional, high as a kite. I understand it’s confusing for people to grasp what I've seen, or for some even to accept it as (my) truth. It also took me some time to acknowledge it fully, but I’m certain that that experience was real. Because I saw what I have seen. That begs the question of what “reality” even is, since reality is so dependent on the individual. But that is something for a WHOLE other conversation, lol.

Neptune and Confusion

Going back to the hospital situation and the Neptunian significations of confusion, it's pretty clear that a lot was off, uncertain, and unclear. The blurred lines between reality and illusion made it hard to understand what was really happening. It started with me not having a fever, even though there wasn't a reason why I shouldn’t have had one in the first place. There was no set structure on how to treat the infection, they didn't know I was lactose intolerant, my space visuals were all over the place, and I was confused about what was happening to me. On top of that, there was a lot of miscommunication during my time in the hospital. No shocker that I'm still uncovering information to this day, and we're 10 years down the line.

But on a more positive note, those rose-colored Neptune glasses also let me see my situation from a different perspective. The sometimes very annoying phrase “Everything happens for a reason” rang true here because I was able to tap into other sides of this story that made it clear why this happened. It all came back to my throat and voice. With my natal Mercury-Saturn conjunction, speaking my truth was often overpowered by voices and opinions of those who were louder or more confident. When I connected the dots between not sharing my truth, not standing up for myself, and this crazy infection, it became clear. Best believe I started to learn to speak my truth after that. I’m not letting any more energy build up in that area—no way I’m stubbing my toe on that same stone again.

Lunar Return

The Lunar Return chart, 2 days before the whole hospital situation started. Please guess which planet ruled that chart... HA, Venus once again. Not in a Plutonian aspect this time. By the way, a Lunar Return chart is the same as a Solar Return chart, but with the Moon returning to its natal position. That chart shows the ebbs and flows of that particular month. Venus being aspected by Mars, the malefic out of sect, also wasn’t that helpful, I’d say. Conjunct the North Node in the first house? Ouch. Mars is the planet of cutting. So yeah, a good indication that you might run into some sharp stuff when Mars is around. Something else that stood out in that Lunar Return chart is a Pisces-ruled 6th house with the Moon conjunct Neptune.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention—both Pisces and Neptune have a strong connection with infections. Thought I’d just mention it... (As if it wasn’t clear as day already).


Uranus’ Shock Wave

Uranus, Uranus, Uranus. Can be such a pain in Ur-Anus. Hehehe. No but really, Uranus is the planet that is connected to shock, sudden changes. It is disruption, chaos, break through. But also, innovation and liberation. Pretty much the Tower energy in the Tarot (even though it is wider known as being linked to Mars). Inevitable change. Because if you would've seen it coming, you have the possibility to anticipate. And THAT is something Uranus wouldn't even give you the possibility for.

Transit Uranus was in Aries in my 10th house, squaring my Ascendant in Cancer. Uranus, being the planet of sudden changes and shock, in a square that comes with tension and conflict, was pretty intense over that period of time in relation to the way I go out and about in the world. No one really anticipated that such a normal procedure could become so life-threatening in a heartbeat. It sure as hell shocked me and my close ones, as well as the medical staff in the hospital. Also, the fact that the infection was able to spread so suddenly and at such a high pace made it pretty much a high-alert situation to make sure that it sUdDeNLy wasn't going to spread and kill me (:

If we take the Lunar Return chart back into consideration, Uranus was conjunct the Descendant. The Descendant, as the opposite of the Ascendant, is the “other” vs. the “you.” During that whole period that the Lunar Return chart was in effect, from the 15th of July until the 11th of August, Uranus was shocking the hell out of the “other” people in my life. Sounds pretty fair, knowing all that had happened—from the tooth extraction to the life-threatening infection, to multiple surgeries, to being discharged—all within a timespan of 22 days and me not fully experiencing a big chunk of them.

Now, these were the outer planets, and they triggered a whole lot more during that period than just this. If I zoom in on some of the more specific transits that caught my eye, there were:

  • Mercury, traveling through my first house, coming into conjunction with the South Node. The South Node takes things away, and Mercury, the planet of communication, resulted in me not being able to communicate properly. Also, Mercury being the ruler of my natal 12th house, the house of hospitals, transiting through the first and me being hospitalised is also a thing.

  • In the Solar Return chart, Mercury also rules the 12th, and on the 22nd of July, the day when I was admitted to the hospital, the ruler of the 12th was opposing Pluto. LOVE ME SOME TRANSFORMATION (eye twitch).

  • Transiting Saturn was squaring my natal Sun. Saturn, coming with fear, anxiety, and the feeling that I was unable to do anything. Saturn being called "Father Time" had me feeling like someone pressed the biggest pause button ever in my life. Feeling isolated as well—a big, big, big Saturn thing. Not to mention the anxiety. Saturn was coming in hard.

  • During my time in the ICU, the Sun was conjoining with my natal Chiron in Leo, and Chiron was conjunct my natal MC. Pretty literal with open wounds in need of healing. That didn’t go unnoticed.

  • In the progressed chart, the Moon was conjunct the North Node in Capricorn, squaring the progressed IC and MC. So best believe this had some “fated” layers added to it. And as corny and annoying as it may sound, I do know and understand why it all happened (hence the Saturn square to my Sun—needing to learn a lesson the hard way).

  • When I was allowed to go home, a Mercury Cazimi occured! Ruler of the 12th on the King’s lap, right around the time I got to go home. Sounds like Cazimi energy to me!

Looking back at how these planetary movements played out in my life, it's obvious that astrology isn’t just some tool for predicting the future. It’s about diving deep into the planetary ebbs and flows that mirror our experiences and learning how to ride those waves. The insights and the peace of mind I’ve gained from studying these transits have been nothing short of transformative.

And this is exactly why I’m passionate about astrology. It lets you see situations from a whole new angle, not just your own perspective. Reality stays the same, and your experiences are what they are—but astrology allows to dig deeper, offering archetypal insights, confirmations, and clarifications that we all need sometimes.

And THAT... is truly amazing!

So, if anything in these charts caught your eye, or if you’ve got thoughts, feelings, or burning questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I'm curious to hear what you think.

Remember, astrology isn’t just about looking into the future—it’s also about making sense of the present and understanding the past. So, if you’re ever in the mood to explore your own chart or just want to chat about the stars, I’m here for it.

Ready to Explore Your Own Planetary Placements?

If this resonates with you and you’re curious about what the stars have in store for you, why not dive deeper? I offer personalized astrology sessions where we can explore your chart, uncover the meaning behind your planetary placements, and gain insights into your life’s path.

Whether you’re looking to make sense of a current situation, get clarity on past events, or simply learn more about yourself through the lens of astrology, I can help.

Click here to book your session and let's start this journey together!


Extraction to Infection . Part 3