Frequently asked questions

In what languages are the readings available?

Dutch and English. You can choose your preference in the registration form.

Can I get a recording of the reading ?

For sure! All readings will be recorded and send to you via WeTransfer after the session.

What type or Astrology do you practice?

Western Tropical Astrology. I use the whole sign house system and I use the Traditional planets as rulers of the signs.

Where does your intuition come into play during a reading ?

During a session, besides focusing on the meanings and symbolism of the stars and the cards as well as different ancient astrological techniques, I intuitively listen to whatever is energetically available to bring your message across. This can be through me seeing, hearing, feeling, (sometimes even) smelling or connecting with what and whomever has something to say about your topic.
I experience the information in your chart and the cards, combined with the intuitive messages as very complementary to each other!

What do you need to prepare for our session ?

Your mighty fine self, a comforting beverage to your liking and your date, place and exact time of birth. If there is something you want me to focus on you can mention that in the registration form.

I don’t know my exact time of birth. What do I do now?

You can request your birth certificate in the place that you’ve been born. In NL it costs approximately 12 – 15 euros to purchase a copy. If there is no certificate because of for instance adoption, you can get a chart rectification. I don’t offer that as a service yet, but I’ll be happy to refer you to an astrologer who does.

Can I reschedule the reading ?

Yes, you are able to do so one time within a 30 day timeframe after your initial planned session.Send an email to and together we’ll find a more suited time for your session.

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel up to 48 hours via email. If you cancel your reading 48 hours before the planned session, you will get a full refund. Within 48 hours you can contact me via to let me know. Due to preparations there will be no refunds within the 48 hour timeframe.

Whoops, I’m late what do I do?

Life happens so I’ll wait 10 minutes. If they’ve passed I consider it a no show and I will cancel the reading. No shows are non refundable.

Book your session!