Introduction and Journey.

Hi! I'm Priscilla, and I want to share a bit about myself and how Ama Yaa Astrology came to be. I was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and my roots span both the Netherlands and Ghana, giving me a unique and diverse background. Before I got into astrology and tarot, I was a professional dancer. Now, I'm a proud mom of two, and my journey combines a mix of experiences influenced by my curiosity and fascination with life's mystical side.

Embracing Cosmic Tools

Life took an unexpected turn when a series of significant changes shook my world, leading me to delve deeply into Astrology and Tarot. My journey began with my first Astro book and Tarot deck, and while I was familiar with Sun Signs, I soon discovered the deeper layers of planets, houses, aspects, and cards, offering me a fresh perspective.

Astrology and Tarot became my trusted companions, guiding me through experiences I couldn't always understand and revealing a greater purpose amid life's chaos. My pursuit of knowledge led me to devour various books, participate in astrology classes, nurture my intuition, and even explore crystal therapy for a deeper connection with myself.

the heartbeat of Ama Yaa Astrology

In the midst of these cosmic discoveries, what makes Ama Yaa Astrology special is the idea of interdependence. My journey, blending different cultures, connects deeply with the belief that everything is linked—a theme I'm excited to share with you. The Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, and Cancer rising in my birth chart reflect this interconnected spirit.

As Ama Yaa Astrology came to life, the idea of interdependence became its guiding principle. Astrology and Tarot, the tools used on this journey, help uncover the connected dance of energies in the universe. It's about understanding that our paths are not separate but part of a larger cosmic picture.

Sharing The Journey

In my view, sharing wisdom and knowledge is like giving a precious gift to the world. This belief inspired the birth of Ama Yaa Astrology. It's more than just my story; it's an open invitation for others to embark on a shared journey. Ama Yaa Astrology harmonizes the realms of Astrology, Tarot, and intuitive insights, unveiling profound insights that illuminate different facets of life.

Ama Yaa Astrology isn't about quick fixes. It's a process of peeling back layers to reveal insights that empower informed decisions and personal growth. My approach might not be for everyone. If you're looking for easy solutions without delving into depth or if you prefer more traditional methods, this style might not align with your vibe.

Ultimately …

It's all about finding what resonates with you.

Ama Yaa Astrology invites you to explore a space where cosmic insights meet practical advice. Take a moment to breathe, and if you feel a connection, let's navigate life's journey together.