Word Wanderings
Exploring life's lessons, one blog at a time.
The Astrology of Extraction to Infection . Part 4
In part 4, I’ll explore the transits and types of charts that stood out the most during this period. While it might get a bit technical, my aim is to show you how astrology provides deeper insights into the events that shaped me into the woman I am today, as well as a real life example on what astrology is able to do for you.
Extraction to Infection . Part 3
In part 3 of Extraction to Infection I’ll tell you what happened next—how I dealt with recovery, the strange experiences in the ICU, and the emotional and physical impact on me and my family. From moments of confusion to finally going home and beginning to heal, here’s the rest of the story.
Extraction to Infection . Part 2
The day felt weird and too quiet. In the afternoon, the doctors came to explain that due to “plain old” gravity, the infection had started to spread from my jaw to my neck. They were preparing another operating room, and since I wasn’t able to eat anyway, I could be called in at any moment. So, I had to wait until they picked me up.
Extraction to Infection: Hospitalized Journey . Part 1
July is always a tricky month for me. While summer usually brings high and sunny vibes (well, as much as it can in the Netherlands...), it also brings back memories of one of the most impactful moments of my life. Ten years ago, I had to get my wisdom teeth extracted. What should have been a routine recovery turned into a life-changing ordeal.
Music | Ama Yaa Astrology
As the music nerd that I am, I’ve created a playlist that contains all the vibes and sounds that I feel fits best with Ama Yaa Astrology. But what kind of vibes are we talking about ?